Getting Married

So, when a good friend from college got married this fall, my husband said WE should make them a quilt. I thought he meant himself and the mouse in his pocket!

I asked my friend and her then-fiance each for three colors and was given blue, gray, green, yellow, and red. Quite the challenge! I love how it turned out.

I don’t often get to make a project from start to finish because life gets in the way so I had a great time planning this one. I googled “modern wedding quilt,” and found a beautiful example using all those colors (except red) by Corinne Sovey. I had to source fabric at three different stores to get the palette that was in my mind, but here’s what I started with.

Can I tell you how much I love bright colors! I had a customer quilt (I’ll post more photos of it tomorrow) on the machine while I thought about the color fade on the heart. The triangles are pieced in columns, and it sucks up both directions as they are put together. I still had to turn it upside down because I started piecing from the top but didn't have room to keep laying it out.

I felt like Little Rabbit Foo Foo cutting the mouse ears from the triangles.

All pieced before quilting.

Ruler work!

10 colors of thread! What was I thinking? I'm pleased with the look though. The quilting really changes the look.

Here's the back. You can't see all the thread colors, but trust me, they're there.

A close up of quilting on the blue.

The heart was quilted with red thread - the only place red appears.

This sunshine on the horizon was kind of a happy little accident.

A close up of the quilting on the corner.

The whole quilt laid out. In addition to 10(!) thread changes, I configured the binding to follow the color changes as it went around.