Burning Sugar

Today was dark, cold, and gloomy here in central Oklahoma. So, what’s a girl to do, except make some Aunt Bill’s Brown Candy? I always forget how much stirring is involved, but it sure is tasty!


I put the pecans on top because I don’t like them mixed in. I also only do half the pan for those who don’t like them at all. A 9x13 pan makes a ton of 1” squares of candy!


And, of course, I made some stars too!


Seeing Stars (Part 1)

Probably a year ago I saw an episode of Sewing with Nancy that featured a quilt author named Lynn Harris. She was making quilts from all manner of scraps, and a quilt filled with teeny tiny 3”(!) stars was one of them. I knew I needed to make that quilt!

I bought the book Every Last Piece and hit the scrap pile. It takes 434 3” stars and a background fabric. The centers of the stars are scraps of printed fabrics, and their points are all solids.

Here are a few I finished today.


And a few more I finished at an all day Open Sewing event with my Guild. It was nice to be focused just on the stars and not have pets or chores for distractions.


**The pattern is Stardust from Every Last Piece by Lynn Harris.

Making excuses

So every day there is a new excuse:

  • I can't follow my diet plan today because we are going to a party tonight.
  • I can't walk the dog today because I waited too late, and it's already hot.
  • I can't sew today because I need to work on business stuff.
  • I can't quilt today because the house is dirty.
  • I can't do X today because Y.

The list goes on, but the point of the story is that it must stop. I saw something on Pinterest last week that really hit the nail on the head for me.

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