Keeping it hot

So, I've been so busy lately that it's hard to know which project to tell you about first. I've been sewing, cooking, and trying to keep the garden alive in this heat. 113° in the shade is not helpful for tomatoes or cucumbers, but for some odd reason the jalapeño plants are in overdrive. This leads me to one of my new favorite things to cook: Salsa Doña.  

So yummy! 

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Making tabouli

So Monday’s post really got me thinking about how I cook. It is impossible for me to follow a recipe as written. Part of the problem is that my small kitchen doesn’t have room for every single piece of equipment and spice. The other part of the problem is that I would rather use what I have than drive into town for some obscure ingredient that I won’t use all of. I don’t know that this is a bad thing, except when someone reviews a recipe on allrecipes and gives it a bad review because they “followed the recipe exactly, EXCEPT…” THAT drives me crazy. 

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